Large intestine

The large intestine extends from the ileocecal junction to the anus and is about 1.5m long. On the surface, you can identify bands of longitudinal muscle fibers called taeniae coli, each about 5mm wide. There are three bands and they start at the base of the appendix and extend from the cecum to the rectum. Along the sides of the taeniae, you will find tags of peritoneum filled with fat, called epiploic appendages (or appendices epiploicae). The sacculations, called haustra, are characteristic features of the large intestine, and distinguish it from the rest of the intestinal tract. The large intestine consists of the following parts:

  • cecum
  • ascending colon
  • transverse colon
  • descending colon
  • sigmoid colon
  • rectum Not seen in diagram.
  • anal canal Not seen in diagram.
  • anus Not seen in diagram.
There are two flexures associated with the colon:
  • right colic flexure or hepatic flexure
  • left colic flexure or splenic flexure